5 Life-Changing Books πŸ“š

Do you also freakin' love reading? Because for me, I've found that reading on the road, especially when reading about a country I'm travelling through, really enriches my travel experience.

Books can ignite our imagination, fuel our wanderlust, and remind us of the infinite possibilities that await.

Each book I read helps me grow, introspect and ponder, but certain books truly changed my life - so today, I want to share with you a few of the best books I've ever read; books that have truly given me something of great value.

5 of My Favourite
Life-Changing Books

1. The Tools by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

This book absolutely changed my life by helping me spot negative thought patterns and teaching me how to shut them down quickly and efficiently.

I highly recommend it to anybody who struggles with nagging self-doubt or feelings of not being worthy. We all struggle with our inner demons, awareness is the key to defeating them.

2. Atomic Habits by James Clear

A must-read for ANYBODY who is looking to be more efficient.

There are some solid strategies and info in here on how to build habits that stick, although honestly, the book is quite long and somewhat repetitive. You might be better off reading a summary instead ;)

3. Greenlights by Mathew McConaughey

One of my favourite books, filled with incredible wisdom on the importance of saying no, finding your why, taking risks and learning from them.

McConaughey is a fucking boss and one of my personal heroes so I expected big things when I started β€” I was blown away by this book, highly recommend.

4. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

Perhaps the greatest collection of snippets of info and words of wisdom from the world's most successful people ever comprised. This book is a goldmine...

All you have to do is spot the correlations and you can quickly figure out what works. This is a much more effective way of hunting down wisdom than listening to endless podcast interviews.

5. The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll

Journalling has brought me personally so much peace, growth, introspection and clarity. To get the most out of your journalling practice, this book is a good place to start when it comes to designing your own journaling system.

Sharing YOUR Favourite Reads

I'm big into sci-fi, history books, travel tales, and the occasional weirdly dystopian novel.

But as you can see, I really try to spend time reading books which can teach me something 😌

What about you β€” what tickles your fancy when it comes to reading?

Most of my favourite books have come from personal recommendations, so I'd love to add yours to my list.

- Will Hatton xx

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