I got deported from the USA šŸ¤”

Ahoy, friends :)

Recently, I went on a lifelong dream trip to visit my best buddy in the world in Colorado...

We was gonna hunt, we was gonna drink beers in the woods, and we was spend 6 days rafting self-sufficient down the Colorado river...

It WAS gonna be freaking amazing...

And then BOOM! BAM!

Upon arriving in the US, I am signalled into a sketchy airport backroom.

Minutes later, I find myself stripped of all my stuff; my phone, my journal, and my freaking shoelaces only to be left in a room for 14 hours without an update.

It wasn't ideal... but there was a TV I could kind of see if I craned my neck, and the Olympics was on. I guess it could have been worse.

I did 300 pushups, considered journalling on the wall in blood, and just kinda vibrated in the corner, my ADHD in full fucking flow...

Eventually, I got called in for an interview and despite being my most charming I was told that I was being denied entry on account of my four trips to Iran.

They told me I could only get a visa by doing a 2-month process which for me involves a flight to Jakarta ā€”Ā not ideal!

So there I was, 16 hours later, getting escorted into a 15-hour plane back to Sydney, where I encountered more shenanigans...

In theory, I didn't need an Aussie visa, I didn't plan to go in the country.

But my luggage had gone through to a part of the airport that required one... so I ran around, making my flight with 10 minutes to spare (I spent those 10 minutes smashing a couple of mandatory drinks, it was required) even though I had a 5-hour layover so all should of been chill.

Seventy hours after leaving Bali, I returned... feeling honestly pretty fucking heartbroken. My dogs cheered me up almost instantly, I love those little fluffballs.

I journalled a lot and reflected that in all great misfortunes, there is great opportunity!

I've spent the last two weeks feverishly writing and working on compiling all the lessons and strategies I've developed over my fifteen years of travelling the world and building businesses.

In truth, I'm not sure if it's any good, it's been a lot to try and sew together... but I'll be sharing it all, for free, in the next 2 months, so get excited!

Recently, here at The Broke Backpacker, times have been a little tougher as MASSIVE changes are happening right now with Google and it's harder to get folks onto the site.

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I'll chat to you next week!
- Will

The Broke Backpacker

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